Challenge: Your vacuum delivery solution should comfortably accommodate you and your assistant.
Solution: A-dec 300 assistant's instrumentation.
The A-dec 300 assistant's instrumentation offers comfortable instrument placement for 2- and 4-handed dentistry. Plus, vacuum instrumentation and other devices are accessible without interfering with instrument transfer or visual or physical oral cavity access.
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Increased productivity: With the A-dec 500 12 o'clock duo delivery system and Preference Collection 5580 treatment console you have everything you need to boost efficiency and work comfortably.
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A-dec 500 – a legend, redefined
In a world of complex technology and noise, we bring you intelligent simplicity and infallible peace of mind. Designed to function holistically and intuitively, the New A-dec 500 quietly slips into the background, reacting to your every move, without pause. Experience the next level A-dec 500.
Take a look at the A-dec 500 Product Brochure
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