Challenge: If your handpieces and accessories aren't positioned for optimal comfort and efficiency, you compromise your health and well-being.
Solution: A-dec 300 Continental delivery system.
An exceptional solution to integrate both technology and comfort into your dental operatory. The A‑dec 300 Continental delivery system plays well with technology and conveniently delivers what you need, where you need it.
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A-dec 500 – a legend, redefined
In a world of complex technology and noise, we bring you intelligent simplicity and infallible peace of mind. Designed to function holistically and intuitively, the New A-dec 500 quietly slips into the background, reacting to your every move, without pause. Experience the next level A-dec 500.
Take a look at the A-dec 500 Product Brochure
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Challenge: When some patients enter a dental operatory, they're intimidated by the dental equipment — especially the delivery system.
Solution: A-dec 300 side delivery system.
When patients enter a dental operatory with the A‑dec 300 side delivery stowed out of sight, the dental chair becomes the focal point, not the "drills," helping put patients at ease.
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