1800 773 743

A-dec ICX Renew

A-dec ICX Renew

Unwanted guests in your waterlines??

When you SHOCK, let ICX RENEW.

Unwanted visitors like bacteria love to colonise in your dental unit waterlines.
A daily waterline maintenance protocol with A-dec ICX® waterline treatment
tablets, along with periodic ICX Renew™ shock treatments, will help reduce these nasty microorganisms.

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ICX Renew shocks the lines and neutralises the pH levels of handpiece lines and suction lines within the chair, so that they can be maintained by the daily use of normal ICX tablets – which are 1 tablet per water bottle that connects to the chair.

New ICX Renew Shock Treatment: Fast-Acting
Fast-acting ICX Renew liquid shock treatment removes odour and foul-tasting bacteria in dental unit waterlines. Just mix the two solutions together into an empty water bottle, run through the lines, and soak overnight. After completing the shock treatment, flush the lines with water and resume your regular use.

• Penetrates and removes the build-up of odour and foul-tasting bacteria
• Blue colour lets you know the solution is hard at work in the waterlines
• Non-corrosive and gentle on equipment
• Will not corrode or clog waterlines
• Odorless formula

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