Excavus Tip Kit
Consumables, Satalec Scaler Tip Kits, Satalec Scalers and TipsUses: Ultrasonic minimally invasive excavation Kit Includes: Delivered with EX1, EX2, EX3, EX-L, EX-R tips, an autoclavable metal support and an autoclavable universal wrench. Description: This complete range of Excavus ultrasonic mini-tips is ideal for creating small-volume proximal cavities that take into account the demands of and performance expected from adhesive conservative dentistry. The distinctive geometry of each tip guarantees its efficiency in even the most difficult operating situations, while preserving the integrity of adjacent teeth and healthy structures for improved patient comfort. Take a look at the Perfectly In Tune Satalec Tips Brochure12.5% OFF SATELEC BUILT-IN SCALER KITS!
FLAG for B.LED dental plaque discloser 100ml
Consumables, Satalec Scaler Accessories, Satalec Scalers and TipsFLAG dental plaque fluorescent disclosing liquid - 100ml bottle with dispenser and disposable applicator brushes. Take a look at the Perfectly In Tune Satalec Tips Brochure -
FLAG for B.LED dental plaque discloser 5 x 1.5ml
Consumables, Satalec Scaler Accessories, Satalec Scalers and TipsFLAG dental plaque fluorescent disclosing liquid - 5 x 1.5 ml viles with disposable applicator brushes. Take a look at the Perfectly In Tune Satalec Tips Brochure -
Footswitch non-disconnectable
Consumables, Satalec Scaler Accessories, Satalec Scalers and TipsFootswitch for Satelec Newtron Scaler benchtop unit - non-disconnectable. Take a look at the Perfectly In Tune Satalec Tips Brochure -
Implant Protect Kit
Consumables, Satalec Scaler Tip Kits, Satalec Scalers and TipsUses: The Implant Protect tips are designed for the indepth cleaning of implants and the treatment of peri-implantitis. Included in Kit: This kit is delivered with IP1, IP2L, IP2R, IP3L, IP3R tips, an autoclavable metal support and an universal wrench. Description: The IMPLANT PROTECT kit guarantees reliable and complete implant debridement for the surgical and non-surgical treatment of peri-implantitis. Manufactured from pure titanium, IMPLANT PROTECT tips preserve the implant surface and the mechanical action of titanium avoids the transfer of material on the implant and limits the alteration of the surface. These actions reduce the risk of bacterial recontamination. The Implant Protect tips are compatible with the full range of PURE NEWTRON piezoelectric ultrasonic devices from ACTEON. Take a look at the Perfectly In Tune Satalec Tips Brochure12.5% OFF SATELEC BUILT-IN SCALER KITS!
Satalec Scalers and Tips
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