This video follows the inspirational story of a veteran named Micheal ‘Fletch’ Fletcher. After a PTSD diagnosis, years of suffering from depression and a complete lack of self-esteem, Fletch was rescued in his darkest moment by a charity named Wounded Heroes Australia. Fletch’s story was covered by The Project on Channel 10 and our clients, Dental Fresh, feeling moved and overwhelmed by his story, contacted The Project in an attempt to find Michael Fletcher. Dental Fresh gifted Fletch with an entire set of brand new prosthetic teeth, giving him a massively renewed sense of self-esteem and pride.
“It’s given me the biggest boost of confidence. I haven’t stopped smiling since I’ve got them… I feel the happiest I’ve felt in 15 years. I can’t thank those people enough.”
Having turned his entire life around, Fletch now works with Wounded Heroes Australia and is determined to help fellow vets suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other mental illnesses.
At Presidental, we are honoured to work with clients as honourable and compassionate as Dental Fresh and what’s more, we proudly support and stand by Australia’s active military members and veterans.