As many clinics and practices are temporarily closing due to the Coronavirus pandemic, it’s vital to ensure that you shut your equipment down properly. Failure to follow proper procedure could result in equipment damage or breakdown. Read about 9 critical processes to carry out on your dental equipment below.
Cattani Compressor & Suction Motors:
- Ensure the suction pipework is clear of fluid prior to disinfection. This will ensure that the disinfectant solution is not diluted in the pipework.
- Ensure the Pulijet disinfectant solution is mixed to the correct concentration – 30ml of Pulijet Gentle disinfectant to 2.5 litres of water (per chair).
- Aspirate the solution using a pulsed action. Pulse cleaners perform this task automatically.
- Leave all suction tips lifted after aspirating the disinfectant solution to ensure all fluids are processed to waste via the suction machine. No fluid should be left in the lines. The residue left in the lines will disinfect the system overnight. If all tips were lifted at all chairs for 5 minutes, the suction lines should be clear. If unsure, leave longer.
A-Dec Dental Chairs:
- A-dec chairs – are best to be left in the entry/exit position.
- A-dec delivery systems – empty the water bottles and purge the system of water. You need to do this with all handpieces and syringes flush to purge the system until you no longer see water from any handpiece or syringe.
- The emptied A-dec water bottle should be placed upside down on a paper towel to dry.

Thermal Disinfection Unit:
- Remove the lances/ probes from the chemicals and place them into a bucket of warm water.
- Run a venting cycle for each probe This will clean the chemicals from the tubings and pumps to prevent hardening of pumps.
- Switch off the power and unplug if possible.
- Leave door slightly ajar.
Following a period of extended downtime it is recommended to carry out an annual service on your equipment to ensure that there is adequate lubrication in motors and moving parts and no blockages in any lines due to the period without anything running through. Presidental is here to help with all post-hibernation servicing to protect your dental equipment after the extended period of downtime. This service can be booked on 1800 773 743.
Lisa/Lara or Lina
- Drain both clean water and dirty tanks, and turn off the water supply and/or RO unit or Mutlidem system.
- Make sure the door is open and turn off the steriliser and unplug it from the power point.

Reactivation Process For A-Dec Dental Chairs:
Once you are ready to begin using the systems again, perform a shock treatment to make sure the waterlines are cleaned and ready for use in accordance with local guidelines and resume daily use of A-dec ICX waterline treatment tablets.
Further Resources:
- Presidental Hibernation of Equipment Procedures
- Cattani SMART Maintenance User Guide
- A-Dec Bleach Protocol
- A-Dec Waterline Maintenance Guide
- Lisa VA131 Tank Cleaning
- SMART Suction Maintenance Videos can be found on their website:
At Presidental, we are experts in all things related to dental equipment and tools. To learn more about our services, get in touch with us today!